Xcode 6 GM crashes when selecting the main storyboard or a xib Xcode 6 GM crashes when selecting the main storyboard or a xib swift swift

Xcode 6 GM crashes when selecting the main storyboard or a xib

I've heard that it could be an autolayout problem, so I tried to disable it manually and it worked!

If you right click on the storyboard file, open as source code, and REMOVE the useAutolayout="YES", then clean, rebuild, you should be able to open with no problems.

This was causing me a ton of trouble, and re-creating the storyboard wasn't an option. I got past it by ctrl/right clicking on the storyboard and doing

"Open As" > "Source Code"

I then made a small change, undid it and re-saved the file. Then I did

"Open As" > "Interface Builder - Storyboard"

It opened without crashing Xcode.

To fix this problem:

  1. open a Finder window and navigate to your project
  2. right-click on the .xcodeproj file (it’s a package actually)
  3. select Show Package Contents
  4. a new window appears
  5. delete a folder called xcuserdata

How to avoid this in the future:once added to .gitignore, you must issue the following command:

git rm --cached ProjectFolder.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/yourUserName.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstategit commit -m "Removing file thats driving me insane"