Xcode 7.3: import Module displayed with strikethrough Xcode 7.3: import Module displayed with strikethrough swift swift

Xcode 7.3: import Module displayed with strikethrough

This is a bug. We have fixed it in 218010af, which should be included in the Swift 2.2.1 release and is included in the 2016-04-12-a developer snapshot.

The strikethrough occurs if you try to import a module that has already been imported by your file or module:


In this case, I have already imported Foundation (which implicitly imports CoreFoundation), so Xcode is telling you that there is no need to import either module again.

It usually happens when a framework is already imported by any other framework you have already been imported.

For example, UIKit is already imported with Foundation so you don't need to import it manually.

enter image description here