Xcode 7 - Code coverage data generation failed Xcode 7 - Code coverage data generation failed swift swift

Xcode 7 - Code coverage data generation failed

If you are integrating your project with a 3rd party dynamic framework, you may need to add a path in your build settings. Look for ->Build Settings->"Runpath search paths" and make sure it includes the path to the framework.

I was just seeing this exact issue myself after setting up my a project to use a framework my team has been working on. After updating this specific setting, the problem went away. In my case, the path was identical to one I already had to set for the "Framework search paths" setting.

I solved this problem, just like I solve most of those XCode Problems:

  1. delete your projects files in your DerivedData (Xcode>Preferences>Locations>DerivedData→ to jump there in finder)
  2. Product>Clean
  3. (keep alt-Button pressed) Product>Clean Build Folder
  4. Quit XCode
  5. Restart XCode
  6. Remove your app from your device / simulator

Try again. In case it still doesn't work, use another simulator / device for a few runs. Sooner or later it will work again on the original one again.

If you are using cocoa pods, check this thread on the Cocoapods repository:https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/issues/5385#issuecomment-226269847

This fixed my problem:

Copying @dfleming response:

For some reason, it appears that CocoaPods is not adding the "[CP] Embed Pods Frameworks" build phase to the UI Tests target when generating the project workspace.

I manually added this in and the UI Tests were runnable again.

This build phase should run the following script: (Replace {YourProject} with your project name)

"${SRCROOT}/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-{YourProject}UITests/Pods-{YourProject}UITests-frameworks.sh"