Xcode12 CoreNFC simulator library not loaded Xcode12 CoreNFC simulator library not loaded swift swift

Xcode12 CoreNFC simulator library not loaded

Apple obviously forgot to add libnfshared.dylib for whatever reason in the final version of Xcode 12 for iOS 14 simulators. A working workaround until Apple fixes this is to copy the missing lib from Xcode 12 beta 6 over (download the beta from Apple's developer download section). The missing lib can be found here and must go into the same directory for final Xcode 12

This works for me. 💯

If you want to avoid the hassle of downloading 11.25GB Xcode 12.2 beta for a single file. I have the file to share.

You may execute the following command to download and place it inside the Xcode package:

sudo curl https://storage.googleapis.com/mobile-simulator-build/libnfshared.dylib -o /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/usr/lib/libnfshared.dylib

Hope it helps 😉

Apple obviously forgot to add libnfshared.dylib for whatever reason in the final version of Xcode 12 for iOS 14 simulators. A working workaround until Apple fixes this is to copy the missing lib from Xcode 12 beta 6 over (download the beta from Apple's developer download section). The missing lib can be found here and must go into the same directory for final Xcode 12:


Linker says that the file libnfshared (mach-o) doesn't include the binary for a simulator, which is strange because it's Apple core framework.

Create a new project with Xcode 12 and import the NFC framework. Build it and run it on a simulator. If it doesn't crash then compare the build settings specially for DYLD between those projects.

If this doesn't help, delete all the simulators and recreate new ones.


It's bug in IOS 14 and someone has submitted a radar: openradar.appspot.com/FB8699389