Access parameter from the Command Class Access parameter from the Command Class symfony symfony

Access parameter from the Command Class

Simple way, let command extend ContainerAwareCommand



You should create seperate service class

$service = $this->getContainer()->get('less_css_compiler');


services:  less_css_compiler:    class: MyVendor\MyBundle\Service\LessCompiler    arguments: [%less_compiler%]

In service class, create constructor like above you mentioned

public function __construct($less_compiler) {    $this->less_compiler = $less_compiler;}

Call the service from command class.

Thats it.

Reason: You are making command class itself as service, bit command class contructor expects the command name as the first argument.

I had the same problem when using Symfony 4.4. This blog post explains it very well.If you use autowire just update your code as below:

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ParameterBagInterface;class MessageGenerator{    private $params;    public function __construct(ParameterBagInterface $params)    {        $this->params = $params;    }    public function someMethod()    {        $parameterValue = $this->params->get('parameter_name');        // ...    }}