Alice bundle - how to use encoded password in yml fixture Alice bundle - how to use encoded password in yml fixture symfony symfony

Alice bundle - how to use encoded password in yml fixture

You can put the hashed password in parameters, like this:

parameters:    hash: $2y$13$I5uLW8atzRPmC3NcvirYqO2htdMHH1l4uFQ3z0V8wHowO0FqTXl7uApp\Document\Trainee:    trainee (template):        password: <{hash}>        ...

You must simply escape every $ with \$

for your example:

App\Document\Trainee:    trainee (template):        [...]        password: '\$2y\$13\$I5uLW8atzRPmC3NcvirYqO2htdMHH1l4uFQ3z0V8wHowO0FqTXl7u'

I suggest you to simply set a plaintext encoder in the test environment and set plaintext passwords in your fixtures.

First, switch to a plaintext password encoder in test environnement:

# config/packages/test/security.yamlsecurity:    encoders:        App\Entity\User:            algorithm: plaintext

Then in your fixture:

App\Entity\User:    user1:        username:        password: 'password'

You can now use the plaintext password in your tests:

public function testLoginWithUsernameAndPassword(){    $response = static::createHttpClient()->request('POST', '/api/login', ['json' => [        'username' => '',        'password' => 'password'    ]]);    // assert $response}