Assetic unable to find file Assetic unable to find file symfony symfony

Assetic unable to find file

Unless you need to whitelist some bundles for Assetic, just remove the bundles option from the config.

The following works for me:

  1. Create bundle e.g.:

    php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=Acme/Bundle/BlogBundle --no-interaction

    See: Generating a New Bundle Skeleton

  2. Add Assetic imports as the following:

    {% javascripts '@AcmeBlogBundle/Resources/public/js/*' %}<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>{% endjavascripts %}
  3. Add Bundle to assetic config:

    # Assetic Configurationassetic:    ...    bundles:        ['AcmeBlogBundle']    ...

I had this same issue and elnur's suggestion worked. Here's my assetic config for your reference

# Assetic Configurationassetic:    debug:          %kernel.debug%    use_controller: false    #bundles:        [ ]    #java: /usr/bin/java    filters:        cssrewrite: ~        #closure:        #    jar: %kernel.root_dir%/Resources/java/compiler.jar        yui_css:            jar: "%kernel.root_dir%/Resources/java/yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar"        yui_js:            jar: "%kernel.root_dir%/Resources/java/yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar"