Best way to store app settings that are configurable from administrator interface? Best way to store app settings that are configurable from administrator interface? symfony symfony

Best way to store app settings that are configurable from administrator interface?

There's CraueConfigBundle that adds a controller and a service giving access to a list of settings. It seems like it's tightly coupled to Doctrine ORM though:

IMHO, you have two options, 1) store it in file (i think better to store this in parameters.yml, than config files); But in this case, after each settings change, you'll need to clean cache;

2) store it in DB. If you'll have any performance issues using doctrine, you always have possibility to update getter/setter to cache results in memcache for example.

p.s. Both ways have own pluses. I prefer to split applications settings from its configuration options. So if admin wants to change global app settings, maybe it's ok to edit parametes.yml ?