Can I override auto increment ID with Alice Fixtures? Can I override auto increment ID with Alice Fixtures? symfony symfony

Can I override auto increment ID with Alice Fixtures?

If you want doctrine to save a certain value for an auto increment Id, then you have to deactivate auto increment in doctrine metadata. See

Explicitly set Id with Doctrine when using "AUTO" strategy

$this->em->persist($entity);$metadata = $this->em->getClassMetaData(get_class($entity));$metadata->setIdGenerator(new \Doctrine\ORM\Id\AssignedGenerator());

UPDATE:After further research on the subject, I realised that hardcoding ids in fixtures comes with its own problems and is generally not a good idea. Instead, it's better to get fixtures by their reference in the yml file when you need to check for a specific record.

Since the question is about the Alice fixtures bundle, I found the following to work for me:

protected $idGeneratorTypes = [];protected function allowFixedIdsFor(array $entityClasses){    $em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();    foreach ($entityClasses as $entityClass) {        $metadata = $em->getClassMetadata($entityClass);        $this->idGeneratorTypes[$entityClass] = $metadata->generatorType;        $metadata->setIdGeneratorType(\Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_NONE);    }}protected function recoverIdGenerators(){    $em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();    foreach ($this->idGeneratorTypes as $entityClass => $idGeneratorType) {        $metadata = $em->getClassMetadata($entityClass);        $metadata->setIdGeneratorType($idGeneratorType);    }}

Then in the test's setUp() method, I have

    $this->allowFixedIdsFor([        MyEntity::class,    ]);    $this->loadFixtureFiles([        './tests/DataFixtures/ORM/my_entities.yml',    ]);    $this->recoverIdGenerators();

It looks like you don't event need to have a setId() method in your entity.

I also ran into this issue since I wanted some ids to be the same every run since I want to refer them in my debug apps using the UUID strategy.

What I have done:

1) Wrote a command that wraps hautelook:fixtures:load:

protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output){    $container     = $this->getContainer();    $entityManager = $container->get('doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager');    $metadata = $entityManager->getClassMetaData(App::class);    $metadata->setIdGeneratorType(\Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_NONE);    $metadata->setIdGenerator(new \Doctrine\ORM\Id\AssignedGenerator());    $application = new Application($kernel);    $application->setAutoExit(false);    $this->loadFixtures($application, $output);}

Do the $metadata-stuff for all classes you want to have custom ids (App::class).

protected function loadFixtures(Application $application, OutputInterface $output){    $loadFixturesInput = new ArrayInput(array(        'command' => 'hautelook:fixtures:load',        '--no-interaction' => 'true',        '--verbose' => '3'    ));    $application->run($loadFixturesInput, $output);}

2) I created a template to generate the id like doctrine would.

id (template):    id (unique):   '<uuid()>'

3) In my custom entity fixture, now I can do the following:

app_custom (extends id):    id:    'whatever-i-want'    title: 'My custom entity'

4) And if I don't want to use a custom id, I just don't overwrite the id field:

app_another (extends id):    title: 'Just another app with an id I do not care about'


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