Cannot autowire service FOSUserBundle, Symfony 3.4 Cannot autowire service FOSUserBundle, Symfony 3.4 symfony symfony

Cannot autowire service FOSUserBundle, Symfony 3.4

I installed and configured a fresh copy of Symfony 3.4 along with the latest FOSUserBundle 2.1

Since bundle inheritance is going away, just adjust the register route to point to your controller:

# config/routes.yamlfos_user:    resource: "@FOSUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/all.xml"fos_user_registration_register:    path: /register    controller: AppBundle\Controller\RegistrationController::registerAction

And then inject the form factory into your controller:

# app/services.yaml, keep all the standard defaults aboveAppBundle\Controller\RegistrationController:    arguments:        $formFactory: '@fos_user.registration.form.factory'

And you should be good to go.

The only remaining question is why you would want to do this in the first place? You would basically need to copy/paste the entire registerAction from your base class. Most of the time you would want to create an FOS event subscriber and listen for REGISTRATION_INITIALIZE, REGISTRATION_SUCCESS,REGISTRATION_COMPLETED or REGISTRATION_FAILURE events.

I know for sure, that this works for Symfony 3.2.3This is only for symfony version <= 3. Because bundle inheritence is depraceted and will be disabled in 4. Change the version of FOSUserBundle in the composer.json to

"friendsofsymfony/user-bundle": "2.0.2"

and run command to update it

composer update