Can't install mongodb doctrine in symfony2 with composer Can't install mongodb doctrine in symfony2 with composer symfony symfony

Can't install mongodb doctrine in symfony2 with composer

I fixed it ! As expected, it was because of the extension so here are the steps to take if you face the same problem as me : the requested PHP extension mongo is missing from your system.

  1. run the command : php --ini, you will see all the configuration files parsed! For me , I am using PHP-fpm , I thought the only php.ini file needed was inside fpm folder, but I was wrong there was a php.ini file inside CLI folder and it's this folder that tells the server which modules are loaded , and it's exactly the same file that doctrine reads the extensions from.
  2. Open CLI/php.ini and add this line in the end
  3. Restart PHP : service php5-fpm restart

That's it!

for OSX:

brew install php56-mongo

if it errors out: read the error message carefully and follow it to rerun the command.



To install PHP's MongoDB extension, run:

sudo apt-get install php-mongo

See also: Easiest way to install Mongodb PHP extension in Ubuntu 13.10 (saucy)?