Clear propel cache (instance pool) Clear propel cache (instance pool) symfony symfony

Clear propel cache (instance pool)

You can globally disable the instance pooling by calling: Propel::disableInstancePooling() (Propel::enableInstancePooling() is useful to enable the instance pooling).

Otherwise, you can rely on PEER classes which contain generated methods like clearInstancePool(), and clearRelatedInstancePool().

I needed to update realated objects and found out clear%modelName% should be called.

init%modelName% deletes all entries and related entires could never be read. clear[Related]InstancePool don't help.

$foo = FooQuery->create()->findOne();// meanwhile somebody else updated DB and Propel don't know about that:mysql_query("INSERT INTO `foo_bars`, (`foo_id`, `bar_id`) VALUES (".$foo->getId().", 1)");// here we need some magic to force Propel re-read relation table.$foo->clearFooBars();// now entries would be re-read$foo->getFooBars();