Could not find the entrypoints file from Webpack: the file ".../public/build/entrypoints.json" does not exist Could not find the entrypoints file from Webpack: the file ".../public/build/entrypoints.json" does not exist symfony symfony

Could not find the entrypoints file from Webpack: the file ".../public/build/entrypoints.json" does not exist

It seems your entrypoints.json has not generated by encore.

Do verify your webpack.config.js setup correctly(it will be present at root). Like

// webpack.config.jsvar Encore = require('@symfony/webpack-encore');Encore    // directory where compiled assets will be stored    .setOutputPath('public/build/')    // public path used by the web server to access the output path    .setPublicPath('/build')    .addEntry('app', './assets/js/app.js')    // ...;// ...

Then try run yarn encore dev --watch

Here you can follow for setting up project instructions.

I had the same issue!

type this cmd : yarn encore dev --watch

Then run your server and everything should be fine.

I had the same problem and forgot to type the install command for bootstrap:

yarn add bootstrap --dev

Did you type this command?

Using Bootstrap CSS & JS