Deactive components of Symfony2 full stack framework Deactive components of Symfony2 full stack framework symfony symfony

Deactive components of Symfony2 full stack framework

You can build your custom symfony2 removing from your composer.json the line (and all you don't need as doctrine...)


and use only your preferred component, you can see the complete list from the github repo . As example you can configure simply:

"require": {    "php": ">=5.3.3",    "symfony/finder":           "~2.3",    "symfony/filesystem":       "~2.3",    "symfony/options-resolver": "~2.3",    "symfony/framework-bundle": "~2.3"},  

The documentation reference for the symfony2 components is here

Take care if you install a bundle that have in the dependences a module that you don't want it will download with him dependencies.

Hope this help.

PS: You should consider to use a microframework like silex