Deleting not needed bundles from Symfony 2? Deleting not needed bundles from Symfony 2? symfony symfony

Deleting not needed bundles from Symfony 2?

Sure. Remove them from AppKernel then delete from the file system if you want. You could even edit the deps file to keep them from coming back. Twig and Assetic are independent. You could use the Assetic bundle with straight PHP.

In case anyone else runs into this issue, you can follow the instructions in the Symfony2 docs to remove the Acme Bundle:

The proccess is like this:

  1. delete /src/Test/BlogBundle directory
  2. change /app/config/routing.yml file to remove the bundle routes
  3. Unregister your bundle from /app/AppKernel.php
  4. clear cache (either by deleting cache/{$env} or console cache:clear)