Do something just after symfony2 login success and before redirect? Do something just after symfony2 login success and before redirect? symfony symfony

Do something just after symfony2 login success and before redirect?

You can specify a login success handler to be executed on successful login.

For example, your security.yml

firewalls:    main:        pattern: ^/        form_login:            success_handler:

Now create the class which implements Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication\AuthenticationSuccessHandlerInterface and on successful login, you can do whatever you need and handle the redirect as you see fit.

/** *  */public function onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token){    // handle it and return a response}

Then create a service with that name in your services.xml for your bundle, or in your config.yml using the newly created handler.

I originally found out how to do this following this tutorial: