Doctrine2 migrations migrate down and migrate from browser and not command line Doctrine2 migrations migrate down and migrate from browser and not command line symfony symfony

Doctrine2 migrations migrate down and migrate from browser and not command line

You can optionally manually specify the version you wish to migrate to:

 php doctrine.php migrations:migrate YYYYMMDDHHMMSS

or execute a migration up/down

php doctrine.php migrations:execute YYYYMMDDHHMMSS  --downphp doctrine.php migrations:execute YYYYMMDDHHMMSS  --up

You can found YYYYMMDDHHMMSS using:

php doctrine.php migrations:status>> Current Version:           2012-12-20 23:38:47 (20121220233847)>> Latest Version:            2012-12-20 23:38:47 (20121220233847)

I saw this doc on Symfony's website :

There is doctrine:migrations:execute that allows you to execute a single migration version up or down manually... but never tried, sorry.

Hope this helps !

Keep us posted.

If you want to migrate 1 step down, you can use this syntax:

./doctrine migrations:migrate prev

To go to the first migration:

./doctrine migrations:migrate first

To go to the next migration:

./doctrine migrations:migrate next
