dql query error class is not defined dql query error class is not defined symfony symfony

dql query error class is not defined

Refer to the entities in your DQL by their namespaces, i.e. AppBundle:Article and AppBundle:User, that should make the error go away.

Use association mapping (old docs) instead of authorId in your entity, this way Doctrine will take care of loading the author:

/**  * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="User")  * @ORM\JoinColumn(name="author_id", referencedColumnName="id")  **/ private $author;public function getAuthor() {    return $this->author;}public function setAuthor($author) {   $this->author = $author;}

Your query would be reduced to:

SELECT a FROM AppBundle:Article a ORDER BY a.creationDate DESC

Once you have loaded an article, you can conveniently access the author:

...$author = $article->getAuthor();