FOSOAuthServerBundle - generate manually an access token FOSOAuthServerBundle - generate manually an access token symfony symfony

FOSOAuthServerBundle - generate manually an access token

To do this, you have to add a Grant Extensions, see the official document "Adding Grant Extensions" :

You can find my FacebookGrantExtension to get a token from a FB access_token :

class FacebookGrantExtension implements GrantExtensionInterface{protected $userManager = null;protected $facebookSdk = null;public function __construct(UserManager $userManager, \BaseFacebook $facebookSdk){    $this->userManager = $userManager;    $this->facebookSdk = $facebookSdk;}/** * @see OAuth2\IOAuth2GrantExtension::checkGrantExtension */public function checkGrantExtension(IOAuth2Client $client, array $inputData, array $authHeaders){    if (!isset($inputData['facebook_access_token'])) {        return false;    }    $this->facebookSdk->setAccessToken($inputData['facebook_access_token']);    try {        // Try to get the user with the facebook token from Open Graph        $fbData = $this->facebookSdk->api('/me');        if (empty($fbData) || !isset($fbData['id'])) {            return false;        }        // Check if a user match in database with the facebook id        $user = $this->userManager->findUserBy(array(            'facebookId' => $fbData['id']        ));        // If no user found, register a new user and grant token        if (null === $user) {            return false;        }         // Else, return the access_token for the user                    else {            return array(                'data' => $user            );        }    } catch(\FacebookApiExceptionion $e) {        return false;    }}}

And the config.yml :

my.oauth.facebook_extension:    class: My\CoreBundle\Oauth\FacebookGrantExtension    arguments:        userManager: "@fos_user.user_manager"        facebookSdk: "@fos_facebook.api"    tags:        - { name: fos_oauth_server.grant_extension, uri: '' }