FOSRestBundle: show my custom exception message FOSRestBundle: show my custom exception message symfony symfony

FOSRestBundle: show my custom exception message

You could also throw you own exception using the following configuration:

fos_rest:    exception:        codes:            'My\Custom\NotFound\Exception404': 404        messages:            'My\Custom\NotFound\Exception404': true

Provide a custom message in your own exception class and it should work as expected.

On the View Layer documentation: If you don't like the default exception structure, you can provide your own implementation.

class ExceptionWrapperHandler implements ExceptionWrapperHandlerInterface{    /**     * @param array $data     *     * @return array     */    public function wrap($data)    {        // we get the original exception        $exception = $data['exception'];        // some operations        // ...        // return the array        return array(            'code'    => $code,            'message' => $message,            'value'   => $value        );    }}

// config.ymlfos_rest:    view:        exception_wrapper_handler: Namespace\To\ExceptionWrapperHandler

To display your custom exception message (simply into app/config/config.yml):

fos_rest:    exception:         messages:            Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException: true