FOSUserBundle managing In EasyAdminBundle(( The "User" entity must define its associated Doctrine entity class using the "class" option))Symfony FOSUserBundle managing In EasyAdminBundle(( The "User" entity must define its associated Doctrine entity class using the "class" option))Symfony symfony symfony

FOSUserBundle managing In EasyAdminBundle(( The "User" entity must define its associated Doctrine entity class using the "class" option))Symfony

All of your options for User entity should be nested under User

    entities:            User:                label: 'user'                list:                     actions:                        - {name: 'delete', label: 'del' }                        - {name: 'edit' , lable: 'edite'}                     title: 'user'                     fields:                        - username                        - email                        - enabled                        - lastLogin                class: AppBundle\Entity\User                form:                    fields:                      - username                      - email                      - enabled                      - lastLogin                      # if administrators are allowed to edit users' passwords and roles, add this:                      - { property: 'plainPassword', type: 'text', type_options: { required: false } }                      - { property: 'roles', type: 'choice', type_options: { multiple: true, choices: { 'ROLE_USER': 'ROLE_USER', 'ROLE_ADMIN': 'ROLE_ADMIN' } } }