Get the CSRF token in test Get the CSRF token in test symfony symfony

Get the CSRF token in test

CSRF token generator is normal symfony 2 service. You can get service and generate token yourself. For example:

    $csrfToken = $client->getContainer()->get('form.csrf_provider')->generateCsrfToken('registration');    $crawler = $client->request('POST', '/ajax/register', array(        'fos_user_registration_form' => array(            '_token' => $csrfToken,            'username' => 'samplelogin',            'email' => '',            'plainPassword' => array(                'first' => 'somepass',                'second' => 'somepass',            ),            'name' => 'sampleuser',            'type' => 'DSWP',        ),    ));

The generateCsrfToken gets one important parameter intention which should be the same in the test and in the form otherwise it fails.

After a long search (i've found nothing in doc and on the net about how to retrieve csrf token) i found a way:

$extract = $this->crawler->filter('input[name="element_add[_token]"]')  ->extract(array('value'));$csrf_token = $extract[0];

Extract the token from response before make the request.

In symfony 3, in your WebTestCase, you need to get the CSRF token:

$csrfToken = $client->getContainer()->get('security.csrf.token_manager')->getToken($csrfTokenId);

To get the $csrfTokenId, the best way would be to force it in the options of your FormType ():

class TaskType extends AbstractType{    // ...    public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)    {        $resolver->setDefaults(array(            'csrf_token_id'   => 'task_item',        ));    }    // ...}

So in this case: $csrfTokenId = "task_item";. Or you you can try to use the default value, that would be the name of your form.

Then use it as a post parameter:

$client->request(  'POST',  '/url',  [    'formName' => [      'field' => 'value',      'field2' => 'value2',      '_token' => $csrfToken    ]  ]);