How do I get a list of bundles in symfony2/symfony3? How do I get a list of bundles in symfony2/symfony3? symfony symfony

How do I get a list of bundles in symfony2/symfony3?

The easiest way to do it in console and that outputs bundle names correctly is:

Symfony 2

php app/console config:dump-reference

Symfony 3

php bin/console config:dump-reference

The key here is not to provide any options or arguments. In this case, the command simply outputs all available bundles:

Available registered bundles with their extension alias if available:+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+| Bundle name                        | Extension alias                   |+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+| FrameworkBundle                    | framework                         || SecurityBundle                     | security                          || TwigBundle                         | twig                              || MonologBundle                      | monolog                           || SwiftmailerBundle                  | swiftmailer                       || DoctrineBundle                     | doctrine                          || AsseticBundle                      | assetic                           || GearmanBundle                      | gearman                           || SMMemcacheBundle                   | sm_memcache                       || PrestaSitemapBundle                | presta_sitemap                    || DoctrineCacheBundle                | doctrine_cache                    || CybernoxAmazonWebServicesBundle    | cybernox_amazon_web_services      || FOSFacebookBundle                  | fos_facebook                      || HWIOAuthBundle                     | hwi_oauth                         || FkrSimplePieBundle                 | fkr_simple_pie                    || RMSPushNotificationsBundle         | rms_push_notifications            || RobertoTruToInlineStyleEmailBundle | roberto_tru_to_inline_style_email || InsomniaMaxMindGeoIpBundle         | insomnia_max_mind_geo_ip          || EWZRecaptchaBundle                 | ewz_recaptcha                     || MopaBootstrapBundle                | mopa_bootstrap                    || JanThomas89MailSafeBundle          | jan_thomas89_mail_safe            || WebProfilerBundle                  | web_profiler                      || SensioDistributionBundle           | sensio_distribution               || SensioGeneratorBundle              |                                   |+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+

If you have container object available then you can get array of the enabled bundles by $this->container->getParameter('kernel.bundles');

  1. You can define a static function in each bundle. Ex: YourBundle::yourStaticFunction();
  2. Use $this->container->getParameter('kernel.bundles') to get the list of bundles. This only returns the bundle class names instead of the Bundle object. Go through each bundle, check if the bundle has the function yourStaticFunction(), Hint: Use method_exists(). If the method exists, then call ::yourStaticFunction();