How does the search query work with Vimeo API for my videos (/me/videos)? How does the search query work with Vimeo API for my videos (/me/videos)? symfony symfony

How does the search query work with Vimeo API for my videos (/me/videos)?

I went ahead and asked the same question on the VIMEO forums, and got a quick response from one of the devs.

When querying /me/videos only videos publicly available on are returned. Private videos are not indexed in search, and will not return when performing search queries.

I had originally thought that this was only for /videos and not for /me/videos

Apparently there is another approach for the search query to work on private videos.

Not yet implemented. We do have a workaround where if you enable Private Mode on your PRO account, you can then query videos on your account. Otherwise private videos are not available when performing search queries.

The key would be to put the PRO account in private mode which enables you to query videos on the account.

I have tested this. All that there is required to do is to set private mode by: Account Settings -> General -> Private Mode -> EnableIt will then set your account to Private Mode and put all your videos as Private. The Search Query then works.

Have a look at this example code they have in the repo of the lib. Looks like you need to urlencode the query value.