How to add JSON request and response examples in Swagger (OpenApi)? How to add JSON request and response examples in Swagger (OpenApi)? symfony symfony

How to add JSON request and response examples in Swagger (OpenApi)?

For NelmioApiDocBundle v4 you can do like this

use OpenApi\Annotations as OA;/** * @OA\Parameter( *     name="body", *     in="path", *     required=true, *     @OA\JsonContent( *        type="object", *        @OA\Property(property="property1", type="number"), *        @OA\Property(property="property2", type="number"), *     ), * ) * * @OA\Response( *     response=200, *     description="", *     @OA\JsonContent( *        type="object", *        @OA\Property(property="property1", type="number"), *        @OA\Property(property="property2", type="number"), *     ) * ) */

For v3

use Swagger\Annotations as SWG;/** * @SWG\Parameter( *     name="body", *     in="body", *     required=true, *     @SWG\Schema( *         @SWG\Property(property="test1", type="string"), *         @SWG\Property(property="test2", type="string"), *     ), * ) * * @SWG\Response( *     description="", *     response=200, *     @SWG\Schema( *         @SWG\Property(property="test1", type="string"), *         @SWG\Property(property="test2", type="string"), *     ), * ) */

But better to do it via @Model annotation, as described in the doc if you have DTO or entity.