How to automate function name in symfony routing? How to automate function name in symfony routing? symfony symfony

How to automate function name in symfony routing?

you can look at KNP Rad Bundle:

It does a lot of good things including the one you are talking about

You probably want to create a custom route loader, see.

As far as I know there is currently no out-of-the-box solution to directly map the controllers -> methods -> parameters to a specific route controller/method/param1/param2 like other frameworks do (CodeIgniter, FuelPHP...).

Indeed this can be achieved with custom route loader as @Onema said.

I can think of two other options, none of which do exactly what you wanted but may be of interest:

1. Creating a controller action which would just forward request to other actions2. Using @Route annotation


In AdminController create action:

public function adminAction($actionName){    return $this->forward('MyBundle:TargetController:' . $actionName);}


Annotation routing since it allows you to define routes without naming them. Name will be implicitly created by convention: Annotation routing.

Doesn't do exactly what you wanted but is pretty elegant too if you don't want to make custom route loader:

/** * @Route("/admin/dosmt") */public function dosmtAction(){    return new Response('smtAction');}

Additionally you can mount all controller actions on a prefix just like with YAML routing:

/** * @Route("/admin") */class MyController extends Controller{    /**     * @Route("/dosmt")     */    public function dosmtAction()    {        return new Response('smtAction');    }}