How to define an additional mailer service to use the spool and send instant emails in Symfony2 How to define an additional mailer service to use the spool and send instant emails in Symfony2 symfony symfony

How to define an additional mailer service to use the spool and send instant emails in Symfony2

I found the solution here

This is how I implemented it:

First, I configured the default mailer service to work as a spool to send bulk emails.


swiftmailer:    transport: %mailer_transport%    encryption: %mailer_encryption%    auth_mode: %mailer_auth_mode%    host: %mailer_host%    username: %mailer_user%    password: %mailer_password%    spool:        type: file        path: "%kernel.root_dir%/spool"

Then, inside one of my bundles (CommonBundle) I registered a new service called "instant_mailer" that maps to the Swiftmailer class.


instant_mailer:    class: %swiftmailer.class%    arguments: ["@?swiftmailer.transport.real"]

Finally, in my controller, whenever I want to send an email usning the spool I just do:

$mailer = $this->get('mailer');

And to send an instant email:

$mailer = $this->get('instant_mailer');