How to Delete The Session and cookie in symfony2 How to Delete The Session and cookie in symfony2 symfony symfony

How to Delete The Session and cookie in symfony2

I had some other cookies than REMEMBERME which should be removed after successful logout. And I found that Symfony already provides the functionality with delete_cookies key under logout key in security.yml file. See the example code in the official doc for v2.8 line 240.

In summary,

security:    ...    firewalls:        your_name_of_the_firewall:            ...            logout:                ...                delete_cookies:                    your_name_of_the_cookie: { path: null, domain: null }

I couldn't check for the older version, but at least it has been there since v2.7. For me, the documentation was not so clear enough, and I had to check the code. FYI, it registers CookieClearingLogoutHandler, and there is the actual code which deletes the cookies.

Try this..

//clear Session$session->remove('user_id');$session->clear();//clear Cookiepublic Boolean invalidate(integer $lifetime = null)public Boolean migrate(Boolean $destroy = false, integer $lifetime = null)

Refer following link:

The simplest solution that's worked for me is:

$response = new Response();$response->headers->clearCookie(\session_name());

Or more thoroughly:

$params = \session_get_cookie_params();$response->headers->clearCookie(    \session_name(), $params['path'], $params['domain'], $params['secure'], isset($params['httponly']));