How to fix an issue using composer.phar install How to fix an issue using composer.phar install symfony symfony

How to fix an issue using composer.phar install

just set the default timezone in in your app/AppKernel.php file like this:

  <?php    use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel;    use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderInterface;    // setting the default time zone    date_default_timezone_set('UTC');    class AppKernel extends Kernel    {       // what ever bundles registered     }    public function registerContainerConfiguration(LoaderInterface $loader)    {    $loader->load(__DIR__.'/config/config_'.$this->getEnvironment().'.yml');    } }

Please run php -i and grab the location of the mentioned php.ini file in the output. That file needs the setting mentioned in the error message added. There probably already is some commented line with this name.

All other errors are triggered by the first one and shouldn't be triggered once the required PHP setting is done.

Found the solutions on this post: Link to the solution

I tried to edit everyone one of the php.ini files on my system and restart apache/MAMP, no success.

This is the only thing that I could get to work.