How to integrate Ajax with Symfony2 [closed] How to integrate Ajax with Symfony2 [closed] symfony symfony

How to integrate Ajax with Symfony2 [closed]

It is easy. I will illustrate how to do an AJAX call in Symfony2 through 3 steps. For the following example, assume to use the jQuery library.

  • Define the route for the action that has to handle your AJAX call. E.g.

    AcmeHomeBundle_ajax_update_mydata:  pattern:  /update/data/from/ajax/call  defaults: { _controller: AcmeHomeBundle:MyAjax:updateData }
  • Define the action in the MyAjax controller from Home bundle. E.g.

    public function updateDataAction(){  $request = $this->container->get('request');          $data1 = $request->query->get('data1');  $data2 = $request->query->get('data2');  ...  //handle data  ...  //prepare the response, e.g.  $response = array("code" => 100, "success" => true);  //you can return result as JSON  return new Response(json_encode($response)); }      
  • Prepare your AJAX call in your Twig template, e.g.:

    function aButtonPressed(){    $.post('{{path('AcmeHomeBundle_ajax_update_mydata')}}',                               {data1: 'mydata1', data2:'mydata2'},             function(response){                    if(response.code == 100 && response.success){//dummy check                      //do something                    }    }, "json");    }$(document).ready(function() {       $('button').on('click', function(){aButtonPressed();});});

    You can change the example by using other AJAX calls.