How to parse the jwt token from controller $jwtManager->decode($jwt) using pure token ( token as a string ) How to parse the jwt token from controller $jwtManager->decode($jwt) using pure token ( token as a string ) symfony symfony

How to parse the jwt token from controller $jwtManager->decode($jwt) using pure token ( token as a string )

Manually getting the information out of a token without using a JWT lib is quite simple.

A JWT string consists of 3 parts:The base64url encoded header and payload, both are JSON 'objects', and the signature. All 3 parts are separated by a ..

So you just need to split the token into its 3 parts, done here with explode, then decode the base64url encoded strings (base64_decode) and finally decode the JSON (json_decode):

$token = "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJyb2xlcyI6WyJST0xFX1VTRVIiXSwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJqYWdhZHVAaHViaWktbmV0d29yay5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE1MzYxNTI0MDAsImlhdCI6MTUzNTU0NzYwMH0.B7gnfGdW1ijAIlo9xUI0DwkGaajQAQPBkRx4ChILXRNtpLdwgEl_9gvWdiidFbSXJseS8jslOfuAFUIWATmbNBoWVa3nc8SxkIrKI29xZuN6hB7R-63RH2BKsAVPsEjgTIJoqkkCrfrSum-_d3LEf36jcXqZb8M-GRKI477IwSDDwG_7YK5v0mu8N4TATXhN0tZGNYxp8Y27EI-g0Gmj9BIiobxnqVVoBWHN5J8d-UCrXRq94ifhEiQBxkG9r_eacMscB80n1VsiN2ouKH2kX-HRxRJmcgmydxvR7RcEW-P6koTxkaZJGO6mv7auSudTFlDENpwD4OD7gtn_wMUDS_OuN8WT7rZp8lwKY9f8J9fiGyq5J-8C_HmyjW-h8WhuJmTUaKhCZ-eLgDm4Vs2IQGYkHJEDFumnIZ607MAa1CW1ChAvurqvUqJ3G4TTN4wYqAHpSKz4y8SAMLjO91cedBPH6K5i9lh5htF-mW_htem7e5ornicU_djSccgHbxfXHQYTHCnqLp7-ONfl_p4nmhIEK0wcF0gkBXbIitzeTjy7C_uf_FV1sLPE5cY3PUP42DmHrG4PuXHLv_L1EjErkrpna7pChKA_TPeiZjqMcQoE70sZw8rr8KnRF2hpABdU_M2ZXOt_vF5-T8mLmKqs0LHxE089vVC3xsAh0mUr4FE";$tokenParts = explode(".", $token);  $tokenHeader = base64_decode($tokenParts[0]);$tokenPayload = base64_decode($tokenParts[1]);$jwtHeader = json_decode($tokenHeader);$jwtPayload = json_decode($tokenPayload);print $jwtPayload->username;

In the last line you have the desired information.

You can also inspect your token on to see which fields are in the payload. There's also a good introduction about JWT on that site.

You can use the JWTEncoder service for this.The service name is lexik_jwt_authentication.jws_provider.lcobucci

Or if you want class named services use Lexik\Bundle\JWTAuthenticationBundle\Encoder\JWTEncoderInterface

The method you are looking for is decode()


Please find my code for doing this without any libraries.

function decodeJWTPayloadOnly($token){        $tks = explode('.', $token);        if (count($tks) != 3) {            return null;        }        list($headb64, $bodyb64, $cryptob64) = $tks;        $input=$bodyb64;        $remainder = strlen($input) % 4;        if ($remainder) {            $padlen = 4 - $remainder;            $input .= str_repeat('=', $padlen);        }        $input = (base64_decode(strtr($input, '-_', '+/')));        if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '>=') && !(defined('JSON_C_VERSION') && PHP_INT_SIZE > 4)) {            $obj = json_decode($input, false, 512, JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING);        } else {            $max_int_length = strlen((string) PHP_INT_MAX) - 1;            $json_without_bigints = preg_replace('/:\s*(-?\d{'.$max_int_length.',})/', ': "$1"', $input);            $obj = json_decode($json_without_bigints);        }        return $obj;}