How to return an array not an object with doctrine findOneBy method in symfony2? How to return an array not an object with doctrine findOneBy method in symfony2? symfony symfony

How to return an array not an object with doctrine findOneBy method in symfony2?

findOneBy(array()) will always return null or object.

But you can use instead findById($userPosting) or findBy(array('id' => $userPosting)) and it will return an array, e.g.:



Or you can add a method in UserRepository class:

    use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;    use Doctrine\ORM\Query;    class UserRepository extends EntityRepository    {         public function getUser($userPosting)        {           $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('u')             ->select('u')             ->where('u =:userPosting')->setParameter('userPosting', $userPosting)             ->getQuery()             ->getResult(Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY);           return $qb;        }       }