How to select all columns with Doctrine QueryBuilder? How to select all columns with Doctrine QueryBuilder? symfony symfony

How to select all columns with Doctrine QueryBuilder?

I guess you have some relations in your entities.

Owner must have a 1-n relation with Store.

So, your Owner entity will be looks like this :

class Owner{    protected $stores;    // ...    public function __construct()    {        $this->stores = new ArrayCollection();    }    public function getStores()    {        return $this->stores;    }    public function setStores($stores)    {        $this->stores = new ArrayCollection();        foreach ($stores as $store)        {            $this->stores->add($store);        }        return $this;    }    public function addStore(Store $store) // ... can use $this->store->add()    public function removeStore(Store $store) // ... can use $this->store->removeElement()    // etc ...}

So now, you can use the Collection::count() Doctrine method !

$storesCnt = $user->getStores()->count();

You want to get all stores for a user and a town ?No problem ! Collection::filter() is your friend !

$storesForAUserAndAGivenTown = $user->getStores()->filter(function (Store $store) use ($town) {    return ($store->getTown() === $town);});

That's it.

Consider the first rule of Doctrine is Forget the database !, so use DQL or QueryBuilder only and only if it's necessary.

Hope it will help you.

You can select all by omitting the column name like or the match-all wild-card. So, instead of or t.*, you can simply do t Like So:

        $query = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('WebBundle:Store')              ->createQueryBuilder('s')              ->select('t, COUNT(s) AS counter')              ->groupBy('')              ->leftJoin('s.owner','o')              ->leftJoin('','t')              ->where('s.owner = :id')              ->orderBy('','ASC')              ->setParameter('id', $id)              ->getQuery();            $list = $query->getResult();