How to use 'interval' in Doctrine2 Query Builder How to use 'interval' in Doctrine2 Query Builder symfony symfony

How to use 'interval' in Doctrine2 Query Builder

As far as I know, Interval is not ported in Doctrine. The workaround I found is to work directly on the DateTime I pass as a param (here, I'd like to use interval of 2 days, passed through Datetime):

public function findOngoingPublicEvents(){    return $this->createQueryBuilder('e')        ->where('e.isActive = 1')        ->andWhere('e.isPublic = 1')        ->andWhere('e.begin <= :begin')        ->andWhere('e.end >= :end')        ->orderBy('', 'ASC')        ->setParameter('begin', new \DateTime('+2 days'))        ->setParameter('end', new \DateTime('-2 days'))        ->getQuery()        ->execute();}

If you want to use INTERVAL (in Doctrine 2, DQL) on mysql comumn field, You can use as below,

$qb->andWhere("DATE_ADD(pv.myDAte,48,'hour') >= UTC_TIMESTAMP()");

It will print SQL as below,

...... DATE_ADD(p0_.appointment_date, INTERVAL 48 HOUR) >= UTC_TIMESTAMP() .....

@Kiran write only about DATE_ADD, but you can also use DATE_SUB

$qb->andWhere("DATE(a2_.updatedAt) = DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), 6, 'day')");

It is equivalent of SQL: