Is it possible to load doctrine fixtures without deleting database Is it possible to load doctrine fixtures without deleting database symfony symfony

Is it possible to load doctrine fixtures without deleting database

Use the --append option

php app/console help doctrine:fixtures:loadUsage: doctrine:fixtures:load [--fixtures[="..."]] [--append] [--em="..."] [--purge-with-truncate]Options: --fixtures             The directory or file to load data fixtures from. (multiple values allowed) --append               Append the data fixtures instead of deleting all data from the database first. --em                   The entity manager to use for this command. --purge-with-truncate  Purge data by using a database-level TRUNCATE statement

DoctrineFixtures are nice for the first init of an empty database or in development - but not in production.

Take a look at DoctrineMigrations and symfonys DcotrineMigrationsBundle, this is a good and safe way to migrate your database in production.

It is possible to update previously added data to DB (which was loaded by running app/console doctrine:fixtures:load). I used EntityManager->createQuery for that.

But I still wonder if there is or ever will be an opportunity to do it by simply running an app/console command. Something like app/console doctrine:schema:update --force, but applied to the data itself.

For now I had to write a ton of code to get my data updated and appended properly. For example to make --append work I had to write the following:

    class LoadCategoryData implements FixtureInterface    {        /**         * {@inheritDoc}         */        public function load(ObjectManager $em)        {            //a category has name and shortcut name (st)            $categories = array (                [0]=> array('name' => 'foo', 'st' = 'bar'),                ...            );            foreach ($categories as $cat) {                $query = $em->createQuery(                    "SELECT c                    FROM MyBundle:Category c                    WHERE = ?1"                )->setParameter(1, $cat['st'])->getResult();                if (count($query) == 0) {                    $c = new Category();                    $c->setName($cat['name']);                    $c->setSt($cat['st']);                    $em->persist($c);                }                $em->flush();            }        }    }