Laravel 5.1 - How to set a message on progress bar Laravel 5.1 - How to set a message on progress bar symfony symfony

Laravel 5.1 - How to set a message on progress bar

Note: Since Laravel 5.5 you should use $this->command->getOutput() instead of $this->output.

The $this->output object is a instance of Symfony's Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle, which provides the methods progressStart(), progressAdvance() and progressFinish().

The progressStart() method dynamically creates an instance of Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProgressBar object and appends it to your output object, so you can manipulate it using progressAdvance() and progressFinish().

Unfortunatelly, Symfony guys decided to keep both $progressBar property and getProgressBar() method as private, so you can't access the actual ProgressBar instance directly via your output object if you used progressStart() to start it.

createProgressBar() to the rescue!

However, there's a cool undocumented method called createProgressBar($max) that returns you a shiny brand new ProgressBar object that you can play with.

So, you can just do:

$progress = this->output->createProgressBar(100);

And do whatever you want with it using the Symfony's docs page you provided. For example:

$this->info("Creating progress bar...\n");$progress = $this->output->createProgressBar(100);$progress->setFormat("%message%\n %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent:3s%%");$progress->setMessage("100? I won't count all that!");$progress->setProgress(60);for ($i = 0;$i<40;$i++) {    sleep(1);    if ($i == 90) $progress->setMessage('almost there...');    $progress->advance();}$progress->finish();

Hope it helps. ;)