Lazy Loading with Doctrine2 and Symfony2 using DQL Lazy Loading with Doctrine2 and Symfony2 using DQL symfony symfony

Lazy Loading with Doctrine2 and Symfony2 using DQL

It looks like your are using the adjacency model for storing trees in a relational database. Which in turn means, that you will need a join for every level to get all ancestors with a single query.

As you are already using the Doctrine Extension Library I recommend to have a look at the Tree component.

My Answer involves not using DQL and instead creating a NestedSetManager which has access to your DBAL connection so you can use SQL. I never felt like the ORM's did a good job with NestedSets query logic.

With a NestedSetManager, you can then write a bunch of clean methods and it's really simple because all these queries are well documented. See this link. Some of the method in my NestedSetManager are:

setNode();setRoot();loadNestedSet();moveNodeUp();modeNodeDown();getRootNode();addNodeSibling();getNodesByDepth();getParents();getNodePath();childExists();addChildToNode();renameNode();deleteNode();// And many more 

You can have a ball and create a lot of create NestedSet functionality if you're not tied down by an ORM's somewhat complex functionality.

Also -- Symfony2 makes all this really really easy. You create your NestedSetManager class file and reference it in your Services.yml and pass in your Dbal connection. Mine looks like this:

services:    manager.nestedset:        class: Acme\CoreBundle\Manager\NestedSetManager        arguments: [ @database_connection ]

you can then access your nestedsets with:

$path = $this->get('manager.nestedset')->setNode(4)->getNodePath(); // in your controller

Moral of the story, ORM/NestedSets drove me bonkers and this solution work really well. If you're being forced to use DQL and have no other options, this answer probably wont be acceptable.