Limit String Twig Limit String Twig symfony symfony

Limit String Twig

Try this :

{{ entity.description|striptags|slice(0, 40) }}
  1. the striptags filter will remove the HTML tags, this will avoid to cut a tag in 2, example of this base case: Text ... <img src="http://examp
  2. the slice filter will cut the text, keeping only the 40 first characters

Try with Truncate function:

First, you need to activated Text extension:

# app/config/config.yml  services:    twig.extension.text:        class: Twig_Extensions_Extension_Text        tags:            - { name: twig.extension }

Then, you can call truncate() helper within your Twig template as follow:

{{ variable.description | truncate(100, true) }}

I used this to truncate blog posts and show an ellipsis..

{{ post.excerpt|striptags|length > 100 ? post.excerpt|striptags|slice(0, 100) ~ '...' : post.excerpt|striptags }}

If the post excerpt length is greater than 100 characters then slice it at the 100s character starting from the first one and append an '...'Otherwise show full text..