moving from twig to ReactJS: how to extend a template/component to build full reactJS pages? implement react-router and redux into symfony? moving from twig to ReactJS: how to extend a template/component to build full reactJS pages? implement react-router and redux into symfony? symfony symfony

moving from twig to ReactJS: how to extend a template/component to build full reactJS pages? implement react-router and redux into symfony?

Take a look at this fiddle, with react-router you can separate each page and create components, layouts and views.

ReactDOM.render(  <Router>    <Route path="/" component={AppContainer}>      <IndexRoute component={HomeView} />      <Route path="list" component={ListView} />    </Route>  </Router>,  document.getElementById('root'));

Create two views, home and list, they may look like this:

class HomeView extends Component {  render() {    return (      <MainLayout        sidebarTitle="Links"        sidebar={<SidebarList />}>        Hello world! This is the HomeView!      </MainLayout>    );  }}

Inside each view extends from a layout and pass the properties like what component we need to be a sidebar and a children.

class ListView extends Component {  render() {    return (        <MainLayout        sidebarTitle="Text"        sidebar={<SidebarText />}>        <h1>List</h1>        <ul>            <li>Item</li>            <li>Item</li>            <li>Item</li>            <li>Item</li>        </ul>      </MainLayout>    );  }}

In the layout use that properties to display the content in as you do with twig.

class MainLayout extends Component {  render() {    return (      <div>        <Navbar          title="APP"        />        <div>          <div>            {this.props.children}          </div>          <div>            {this.props.sidebar}        </div>      </div>    );  }}

Maybe it's a little bit confusing but you need to take a look at the fiddle, it's the closer I can do based on your example.

I suggest you start small to get the hang of how ReactJS works. You can easily use ReactJS for only a limited portion of your app.

Let's say you want to change a component of your app that sits inside a div with id "myComponent". You can put a script on your page that makes this into a ReactJS component (ES6 syntax):

import MyComponent from './mycomponent';ReactDOM.render( <MyComponent />, document.getElementById('myComponent'));

In this code, <MyComponent /> signifies your main React Component in the mycomponent.js file in the same folder. For one small component, you won't need Redux stores; simply store all state in the component's this.state. When adding more components that re-use the same state, Redux is a very nice way to go about this.

Note that you will need some extra setup to get the simple example to work. <MyComponent /> is JSX, not plain Javascript. You need a transpiler like Babel to convert this into plain js (and as a bonus, it also supports ES6 notations). Also, don't forget to include React and React-Dom!