No response when ValidationException is thrown using Plupload and Symfony3 No response when ValidationException is thrown using Plupload and Symfony3 symfony symfony

No response when ValidationException is thrown using Plupload and Symfony3

Sorry previous version was incorrect.

OneupUploaderBundle catches exceptions in a controller and pass them to error_handler service.

class PluploadController extends AbstractChunkedController{    public function upload()    {        ...        foreach ($files as $file) {            try {                $chunked ?                    $this->handleChunkedUpload($file, $response, $request) :                    $this->handleUpload($file, $response, $request)                ;            } catch (UploadException $e) {                $this->errorHandler->addException($response, $e);            }        }        return $this->createSupportedJsonResponse($response->assemble());    }

You should check which error handler is used for your application. Looks like by default for Plupload the bundle set up NoopErrorHandler which does nothing with your exception.


public function addException(AbstractResponse $response, Exception $exception){    // noop}


 <service id="oneup_uploader.error_handler.plupload" class="%oneup_uploader.error_handler.noop.class%" public="false" />

To get Response of desired shape you should set up BlueimpErrorHandler or to define a custom handler.


public function addException(AbstractResponse $response, Exception $exception){    $message = $this->translator->trans($exception->getMessage(), array(), 'OneupUploaderBundle');    $response->addToOffset(array('error' => $message), array('files'));}

OT: Using exceptions in the validator that way will bring bad experience to a user. The user should see all errors with an uploaded file not just first one. You should collect all errors and then throw an exception. For example:

    ...    if (in_array($full_file_name, $this->banned_files))    {        throw new ValidationException('error.file_exists');    }    $errors = [];    // Is file mime type the same as extension mime type    $mime_type_position = array_search($file_extension, $this->file_extension_array);    if ($mime_type_position !== false)    {        $mime_type_by_extension = $this->file_type_array[$mime_type_position];        if ($mime_type_by_extension !== $file_mime_type)        {            $errors[] = 'error.mime_type_mismatch';        }    }    // Is file type not in activated file type array    if (!in_array($file_mime_type, $this->file_type_array))    {        $errors[] = 'error.forbidden_mime_type';    }    if (empty($errors)) {        throw new ValidationException(implode(', ', $errors));    }    ...