Posting JSON objects to Symfony 2 Posting JSON objects to Symfony 2 symfony symfony

Posting JSON objects to Symfony 2

If you want to retrieve data in your controller that's been sent as standard JSON in the request body, you can do something similar to the following:

public function yourAction(){    $params = array();    $content = $this->get("request")->getContent();    if (!empty($content))    {        $params = json_decode($content, true); // 2nd param to get as array    }}

Now $params will be an array full of your JSON data. Remove the true parameter value in the json_decode() call to get a stdClass object.

I wrote method to get content as array

protected function getContentAsArray(Request $request){    $content = $request->getContent();    if(empty($content)){        throw new BadRequestHttpException("Content is empty");    }    if(!Validator::isValidJsonString($content)){        throw new BadRequestHttpException("Content is not a valid json");    }    return new ArrayCollection(json_decode($content, true));}

And I use this method as shown below

$content = $this->getContentAsArray($request);$category = new Category();$category->setTitle($content->get('title'));$category->setMetaTitle($content->get('meta_title'));

javascript on page:

function submitPostForm(url, data) {    var form                = document.createElement("form");        form.action         = url;        form.method         = 'POST';  = 'none';    //if (typeof data === 'object') {}    for (var attr in data) {        var param       = document.createElement("input");    = attr;            param.value = data[attr];            param.type  = 'hidden';        form.appendChild(param);    }    document.body.appendChild(form);    form.submit();}

after some event (like a click on "submit"):

// products is now filled with a json arrayvar products = jQuery('#spreadSheetWidget').spreadsheet('getProducts');var postData = {'action':   action,'products': products}submitPostForm(jQuery('#submitURLcreateorder').val(), postData);

in the controller:

   /**    * @Route("/varelager/bestilling", name="_varelager_bestilling")    * @Template()    */   public function bestillingAction(Request $request) {       $products   = $request->request->get('products', null); // json-string       $action     = $request->request->get('action', null);       return $this->render(           'VarelagerBundle:Varelager:bestilling.html.twig',           array(               'postAction' => $action,               'products' => $products           )       );   }

in the template (bestilling.html.twig in my case):

  {% block resources %}       {{ parent() }}       <script type="text/javascript">       jQuery(function(){           //jQuery('#placeDateWidget').placedate();           {% autoescape false %}           {% if products %}           jQuery('#spreadSheetWidget').spreadsheet({               enable_listitem_amount: 1,               products: {{products}}           });           jQuery('#spreadSheetWidget').spreadsheet('sumQuantities');           {% endif %}           {% endautoescape %}       });       </script>   {% endblock %}

Alrite, I think that's what you wanted :)

EDITTo send something without simulating a form you can use jQuery.ajax().Here is an example in the same spirit as above which will not trigger a page refresh.

jQuery.ajax({    url:        jQuery('#submitURLsaveorder').val(),    data:       postData,    success:    function(returnedData, textStatus, jqXHR ){        jQuery('#spreadSheetWidget').spreadsheet('clear');        window.alert("Bestillingen ble lagret");        // consume returnedData here    },    error:      jQuery.varelager.ajaxError, // a method    dataType:   'text',    type:       'POST'});