Prevent direct access to uploaded files only for unauthorized users - Symfony Prevent direct access to uploaded files only for unauthorized users - Symfony symfony symfony

Prevent direct access to uploaded files only for unauthorized users - Symfony

I followed these steps to achieve this requirement.

  1. Created a function and added its route in firewall, so anonymous users cannot go to that path.
  2. Created a route to set its path.
  3. Got media id in the function and did the functionality to return the file.
  4. Called the function by its path with parameter mediaId instead of calling direct media in twig.

Here is the code.


- { path: ^/user(.*), roles: ROLE_DASHBOARD_USER }


cms_direct_access_uploaded_files:path:     /user/image-return/{fileId}defaults: { _controller: CMSFrontUserBundle:Dashboard:DirectAccessUploadedMedia }


    public function DirectAccessUploadedMediaAction(Request $request,$fileId = null){    $user = $this->getUser();    if(!empty($user)){        $DM = $this->getDoctrineManager();        $media = $DM->getRepository('ApplicationSonataMediaBundle:Media')->find($fileId);        if(!empty($media)) {            $provider   = $this->container->get( $media->getProviderName() );            $format     = $provider->getFormatName( $media, 'reference' );            $url        = $provider->generatePublicUrl( $media, $format );            $ext = pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);            $returnFile = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .'/web'. $url;            if (file_exists($returnFile)) {                if($ext == 'pdf'){                    header("Content-Type: application/pdf");                }else{                    header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");                }                header('Expires: 0');                header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');                header('Pragma: public');                header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($returnFile));                readfile($returnFile);                exit;            }        }else{            throw $this->createAccessDeniedException('Forbidden!');        }    }else{        throw $this->createAccessDeniedException('Forbidden!');    }}


{{ url('homepage') }}user/image-return/{{ }}