Retrieve items by month and year with Symfony and Doctrine Retrieve items by month and year with Symfony and Doctrine symfony symfony

Retrieve items by month and year with Symfony and Doctrine

Putting something like this in your Repository should get you started. I haven't tested it aside from the 'last day of this month' bit which seems to work fine.

/** * @param int $month * @param int $year *  * @return object[] */public function findByDate($year = null, $month = null){    if ($month === null) {        $month = (int) date('m');    }    if ($year === null) {        $year = (int) date('Y');    }    $startDate = new \DateTimeImmutable("$year-$month-01T00:00:00");    $endDate = $startDate->modify('last day of this month')->setTime(23, 59, 59);    $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('object');    $qb->where(' BETWEEN :start AND :end');    $qb->setParameter('start', $startDate->format('‌​Y-m-d H:i:s'));    $qb->setParameter('end', $endDate->format('‌​Y-m-d H:i:s'));    return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();}

Very importand moment. Use data type of setParameter.

Like this for symfony.

use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type;

$query->setParameter('start', $startDate, Type::DATETIME);

This appears to be working, although I will definitely need to modify the way I construct the dates (and move the function into the repo). I had originally forgotten the '.date' bit of DQL, and there was no need to output the DateTime object as a format.

// Create two times at the start of this month and next month$startDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat('d-n-Y', "01-".$month."-".$year);$startDate->setTime(0, 0 ,0);$endDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat('d-n-Y', "01-".($month+1)."-".$year);$endDate->setTime(0, 0, 0);$notes = $this->em->getRepository('AppBundle:Note')->createQueryBuilder('n')->where(' BETWEEN :start AND :end')->setParameter('start', $startDate)->setParameter('end', $endDate)->getQuery()->getResult();// $notes = $this->em->getRepository('MrshllSiteBundle:Note')->findByDate();return $notes;