Simple API Key Authentication in Symfony2 using FOSUserBundle (and HWIOauthBundle), filling in the gaps Simple API Key Authentication in Symfony2 using FOSUserBundle (and HWIOauthBundle), filling in the gaps symfony symfony

Simple API Key Authentication in Symfony2 using FOSUserBundle (and HWIOauthBundle), filling in the gaps

You are trying to implement stateless authentication with username and login. This is pretty much what the Oauth2 authentication passsword grant does. This is pretty standard, so instead of trying to implement it yourself i'd recommend you use a Bundle for that, for example the FOSOauthServerBundle. It can use FOSUserBundle as its user provider and would be cleaner, more secured and easier to use than a home-made solution.

To register user, your can create a register action in your API (e.g., in a REST API I'd use POST - api/v1/users), and in the controller method copy and past the code from the FOSUserBundle:RegistrationController (of course adapt it for your needs).

I did that in a REST API, it worked like a charm.

I don't think you actually really need a /login endpoint.

In the symfony doc, the api client is required to pass it's key (via apiKey http parameter) to every request to the API.

I am not sure it's in the best practice, but you could do this.

"The book page and bundle both cover authenticating a user by API key, but don't touch on the flow of logging users in, generating API keys, allowing users to register"

The best is to allow your users to register via a web form (for example with the route fos_user_register). User entity could have an apikey field, pre-populated with a key generated like this sha1("secret".time()) for example, and a button in their profile to regenerate the key.

Class GenearteToken extends FOSRestController{     public getTokenAction(Request $request){          $apiKey = $request->query->get('apikey');          return $apiKey;      }}