Sonata Admin Bundle remove routeCollection roles Sonata Admin Bundle remove routeCollection roles symfony symfony

Sonata Admin Bundle remove routeCollection roles

I just did it different way, Just overridden isGranted() in entitAdmin.php file. Then you can check permission depending on user roles. But it served our purpose. If we want to use $collection->remove('create'), we can't do that since no way to call the method ("configureRoutes()") in the application run time. Only calling that method ("configureRoutes()") while cache is creating.

 /** * {@inheritdoc} */public function isGranted($name, $object = null){    $user = $this->getConfigurationPool()->getContainer()->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();    switch ($name) {        case "CREATE":            if (!$user->hasRole("ROLE_ADMIN")) {                return false;            }        default:            return true;    }}