Sorting in the template, in Symfony2: using Twig to sort a collection of objects by property Sorting in the template, in Symfony2: using Twig to sort a collection of objects by property symfony symfony

Sorting in the template, in Symfony2: using Twig to sort a collection of objects by property

There is no way to sort an array by a property with Twig. You still have the sort filter (described here: but it will just sort your array like php will do with the sort function.

What you can do is create a TwigExtension and implement your own filter. It's very easy and very well documented here:

futurecat is totally right: there's no way to do this out-of-the-box. Even if his answer has been accepted, I'm adding this for completeness:

You can use snilius/twig-sort-by-field Twig extension, which will provide the filter you need.

Install it using composer require snilius/twig-sort-by-field, and enjoy its sortbyfield filter:

{% for item in base | sortbyfield('name') %}    {{ }}{% endfor %}