Steps to move Symfony 2 project to hosting? Steps to move Symfony 2 project to hosting? symfony symfony

Steps to move Symfony 2 project to hosting?

OK, I find out how to correctly deploy app on shared hosting. Here it is:

  1. It depends on kind of hosting that you have: if you have SSHconsole, then you can do it on hosting after step 2, if you haven'tthen do it locally: run command php app/console cache:clear--env=prod.
  2. Suppose you have on you hosting folders youdomain/public_html, so inpublic_html must be located all web files. You must upload all from Symfony project (folders: app, src, vendors, bin; files: deps, deps.lock), except folder web in folder youdomain. Everything from folder web should be upload to folder public_html.
  3. Check CHMOD for folders app/cache and app/logs, there should bewrite access.
  4. If there is no file .htaccess in public_html, then create it and add such code in it:
  5. Now you should use instead, that you use locally.

If your site still did not works, you can open file web/config.php and find the code where the check for IP performed, you find there only IP, add your current IP to this list and upload new config on a server. Then you can open path yourdomain/config.php and check what's wrong. If config.php shows that everything ok, but your site still didn't work, you can enable app_dev.php to debug: open app/app_dev.php and add your IP to the list as for config.php done before. Now you can run scripts as locally using app_dev.php.