submit symfony 3 form with ajax submit symfony 3 form with ajax symfony symfony

submit symfony 3 form with ajax

i will answer this very basically to let you get an idea !

so first of all you will have to separate the saving part on the server side, because it will not return a view anymore like your indexAction does. Instead it returns some json data your ajax call on the client side can receive

your new controller action may look somelike this:

   /**    * Creates a new Department entity.    *    * @Route("/department/new", name="department_new")    * @Method({ "POST"})    */   public function newDepartmentAction(Request $request)   {        $department = new Department();        $form = $this->createForm('EvalBundle\Form\DepartmentType', $department);        $form->handleRequest($request);        $status = "error";        $message = "";        if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {            $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();            $em->persist($department);            try {                $em->flush();                $status = "success";                $message = "new department saved";            } catch (\Exception $e) {                    $message = $e->getMessage();            }            }else{            $message = "invalid form data";        }        $response = array(            'status' => $status,            'message' => $message        );        return new JsonResponse($response);        // above is just an example of one way using formtypes,         // you can retrieve any parameter you send here like:         // $param = $request->get('param');   }

you can do above whatever you want like paginate over all departments and return them, but you would need a js way to display the returned JSON then, you cant use twig for that because the view is already returned, you definetly want to use any datadriven JS View Model lib with automatic ui refresh.

Next, The client Side - From the client side you will have to send the the correct data to that action

so you have to serialize the formfields to a set of properties and values that you can send to the server. We will first serialize the form to a javascript object.

here you have a function for that that you have to include somewhere after jquery has loaded and before your further code

$.fn.serializeObject = function(){    var o = {};    var a = this.serializeArray();    $.each(a, function() {        if (o[] !== undefined) {            if (!o[].push) {                o[] = [o[]];            }            o[].push(this.value || '');        } else {            o[] = this.value || '';        }    });    return o;};

Next you have to avoid actually submitting the form non-ajax, because clicking on the submit button will lead to submit the form and reload the page, we prevent that behaviour, assuming the form has some unique selector eG. id="newDepartmentForm"

$(document).on("submit", "#newDepartmentForm", function(e){    e.preventDefault();    return  false;});

now lets assume you want to save by clicking on a button with specific id

$(document).on("click", "#mySubmitButton", function(e){  e.preventDefault();  var form = $("#newDepartmentForm");  // you could make use of html5 form validation here  if(!form[0].checkValidity()){    // To show the native error hints you can fake a click() on the actual submit button    // which must not be the button #mySubmitButton and shall be hidden with display:none;    //  example:    //  <button type="button" id="#mySubmitButton" class"btn btn-default" > Save </button>    //  <button type="submit" id="#myHIDDENSubmitButton" style="display:none;"></button>    //    $("#myHIDDENSubmitButton").click();    return false;  }  // get the serialized properties and values of the form   var form_data = form.serializeObject();  // always makes sense to signal user that something is happening  $('#loadingSpinner').show();  // simple approach avoid submitting multiple times  $('#mySubmitButton').attr("disabled",true);  // the actual request to your newAction  $.ajax({    url: '/department/new',    type: 'POST',    dataType: 'json',    data: form_data,    success:function(data){      // handling the response data from the controller      if(data.status == 'error'){        console.log("[API] ERROR: "+data.message);      }      if(data.status == 'success'){        console.log("[API] SUCCESS: "+data.message);      }      // signal to user the action is done      $('#loadingSpinner').hide();      $('#mySubmitButton').attr("disabled",false);    }  });});

basically thats it.

if you want to make your site full Ajax-driven, you can request any data from the server like this, for example you may want to load all existing departments first you could just do it like above.But as i mentioned, you would need a JS way to Display your data, terms like single page application, MVVM could be worth a lookup there are a lot of usefull libraries like vue, react, knockout, ember ... etc. if you prefer an easy way, they may not be neccessary depending on the complexity of your model.For your Api you also may dig more into performant serialization, REST, CRUD, authorization and dont repeat yourself. Websockets may also be very interesting.