Symfony 3: Debugging with Symfony's development server Symfony 3: Debugging with Symfony's development server symfony symfony

Symfony 3: Debugging with Symfony's development server

In the end the following steps are needed:

  1. Put the following content into: /etc/php/7.0/mods-available/xdebug.ini

  2. Export:

    export XDEBUG_CONFIG="idekey=PHPSTORM"
  3. Then configure PhpStorm as the image shows.

  4. Set as IDE key PHPSTORM into the Firefox plugin

  5. Enable xdebug on Firefox via pressing the Firefox enable xdebug button button. Alternatively you can append the url with ?XDEBUG_START part

  6. Then press the button disabled xdebug button in PhpStorm. In case you see the PhpStorm enable xdebug]( button press that until it becomes ![button disabled xdebug then press it back again.


In case you change xdebug settings TERMINATE the xdebug session by pressing PhpStorm enable xdebug button and pressing back again.

Furthermore in case you run composer via terminal disable PhpStorm to listen xdebug by pressing PhpStorm enable xdebug button.