Symfony 3 passing object through redirects Symfony 3 passing object through redirects symfony symfony

Symfony 3 passing object through redirects

The parameters you pass will be ignored since the route "success" does not take any arguments. Additionally I don't think you can pass objects. You could serialize it e.g. as a json string and then deserialize it.

I think the best choice for your approach would be to use a Session to save the data (make sure the object is serializable):

$this->container->get('session')->set('task', $task);return $this->redirectToRoute('success');

and then retrieve it in your success action:

public function successAction(Request $request) {    $task = $this->container->get('session')->get('task');    if ($task === null || !$task instanceof Task) {        return $this->createNotFoundException();    }    // Do something}

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